Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Move #14

So... I am really uncomfortable talking on and on about what I do... However, I do love to share and help and have had so many requests from friends to "blog for real."  I'm making it a goal to get my thoughts and projects assembled so that I can share them with you.
Right now my focus is moving for the third time in 6 years.  Or the 14th time in almost 20 years..Oh the joy of being a military wife.  And it really is a joy.. I adore my husband and would and have followed him all over the world.  The challenges are many...starting over all the time and helping my kids do the same.. selling/buying/renting/drawing for a home for my family.  Not living near grandparents and cousins. and so on.. However, I also believe that if we didn't live this gypsy life I wouldn't have the opportunity to know so many wonderful people.  I consider all the friends in my life my family.  You are the ones who I call at 2am to sit with me in the hospital as I worry about a sick child.  You sit with me to have surgery while my husband is deployed and I'm "alone."  You are the ones who keep my children for me so that I can have the surgery or travel to find yet another home in a new location. You are the ones who hug me when once again I have to leave.  I could go on and on how my "friend family" has been such a blessing to me and my family.  I only hope and pray that I've been able to be even a small blessing of encouragement in your life and that you know how much you are loved.

I don't think I'd have had so many opportunities to create and try  new things if it weren't for the necessity of making things I already have fit smaller/bigger different places.  Some things I've tried  a few different times and have become an "expert" from all the trial and error in each new home.  Something stirs deep inside of me when my feet hit the ground at a flea market and I see old rusty dusty things that I can make beautiful and repurpose.
Please join me as I share my finds and redo's with you.. I ask for patience as I figure out how to blog as well as I repurpose and old gate or take a month off because the family schedule is crazy..
I hope that you'll find this journey together to be encouraging and inspiring.